10 Common Cat Myths: The last one will SHOCK you!
You don’t like cats? Why?
You heard some common myth about them that you believe is true?
Cats are the most beautiful and popular pets in the world.
Most of the time, they are misunderstood by some people.
Are you’re one of them?
Then this article is for you!
because the myths that have been going around for ages are not only absurd but also completely false.
10 common myths about cats
1) Cats don’t care about their owner
This myth is entirely false!
Cats do care a lot about their owner. They are not able to express it but they actually care.
If you leave your cat for a few hours alone at home and when you come back, your cat will jump on you and expect you to give him attention as well as stroke or pat him.
Sometimes, cats only purr when their owner returns home. This is surely a sign that cats care about their owner.
2) Cats ruin the furniture of your house
This can be partially true but not always true.
Cats only play around and destroy your furniture when you let them.
Train them or give them other things like toys and stuff and the cat would never come across your furniture.
Cats love to get inside boxes just give them that and he will play with it the whole day.
3) Cats and dogs are enemies
Cats and dogs are different species. They really have no dislike for one another.
We as humans don’t get along with everyone. Isn’t it?
Just like, people don’t mix with others, some cats also don’t like to mix with other cats and dogs,
they are very particular about their company and who they let in their lives; but some cats do love to get along with other cats and dogs.
4) Cats cannot be trained
Cats cannot be self-trained. That means they are not able to learn things on their own. Dogs learn new things which are taught to them faster than cats.
But Cats can be trained by their owners if given proper instructions.
Training a cat is harder than training a dog. Cats don’t learn from discipline and punishment, like dogs.
They must be trained in short sessions and should be rewarded with their favorite food after the training. That’s the only way to train them.
5) Declawing cats is harmless
Never declaw your cat. It’s the most inhumane thing one can do. Many countries have prohibited it.
Generally, people started removing cats’ claws to save their furniture and sofas from scratches.
If your cat’s claws are sharp, you must trim them instead of going for declawing.
Some cats even trim their claws on their own using their teeth. Teach them stuff and they’ll do things on their own.
6) All Cats like to consume milk
The dairy products and marketing industry has made this picture in our minds by advertising that cats like to consume milk.
Providing milk to cats is not an issue but giving them the right amount is necessary.
Some cats may be lactose intolerant and more milk and dairy products will cause bloating to them and they might even die due to it.
7) Cats hate water
Most of the cats are obsessed with water and love to play with it, especially if it is running from a faucet.
While some breeds don’t like water because they find it uncomfortable getting wet as their fur and body take a lot of time to dry.
8) Cats are nocturnal creatures
They usually adapt their owners’ sleep schedules. Cats love to sleep when there is no one in the house and are active when people return home.
Some cats are most active at dawn and dusk. During the night, occasionally they get disturbed while sleeping and that is why they stand up and roam in the house. Due to this, people think they are nocturnal, but that’s not true.
9) Cats need less care than dogs
People have a bad habit of comparing things.
Cat and dog comparisons are the most popular.
Each and every pet needs care and attention.
So as cats. If you don’t take care of your cat or even ignore him for a few hours. He gets angry.
They also get hurt when you don’t show them love and affection.
10) Black cats bring bad luck
This myth has been going around for centuries and is completely false. The color of the cat has nothing to do with the cat’s luck.
In some countries, black cats are considered unlucky while in other countries black cats are considered to bring good luck.
Black Cats bring joy and warmth to the house just like any other color cat.
If you have read it this far, let me know if you had believed any of these myths and now agree that it’s completely false.
Also, let me know in the comments if you liked this article.