5 Practical tips to practice mindfulness
Have you ever thought about why you’re always stressed, occupied with random negative thoughts, ruining your mood because you made a mistake in the past, or often thinking about uncertain events in the future?
That’s probably because you don’t practice mindfulness.
Mindfulness is a meditation technique that helps to control stress and increases focus. Relaxing and allowing your mind to acknowledge the physical sensations of your body and the thoughts that come into your head is the key to mindfulness.
Being in a mindful state enables you to observe your positive and negative thoughts without judging them.
Benefits of Mindfulness
Mindfulness is about focusing on your breath and being aware that you’re not lost in your thoughts. Here are some benefits of mindfulness:
i) It improves brain functioning and increases attention
ii) Lowers anxiety
iii) Boosts memory
iv) Enhances intuition power
v) Helps in making fast decisions.
By practicing mindfulness one can get rid of problems like depression and anxiety. You should develop the habit of mindfulness. It will have a strong positive effect on your life.
“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.” ~ Amit Ray
5 tips to practice mindfulness
1) Express Gratitude
Meet your loved ones with enthusiasm and give them a genuine compliment so that they as well as you feel positive. You should also praise yourself whenever you complete a task and give yourself rewards. This will encourage you to achieve better in the future.
2) Breathe
Forget everything and just breathe. Forget everything and just focus on your breath. Feel it. Take a deep breath inhale, pause for a few seconds, hold your breath, and then exhale. During this process, if your get distracted bring your focus back to your breath.
3) Listen to the sounds
Try to listen to the sounds surrounding you, the sound can be anything like the sound of words you speak, the sound of people talking, the sound of vehicles passing by, etc. This practice will benefit you in gaining awareness.
4) Feel the gravitation
We all know that gravity is attracting everything to the center of this earth but no one pays attention to it. The next time when you are walking on the street, climbing up the stairs or even taking a rest on your bed, try to pay attention to the gravitational energy that is pulling you. Just be fully aware that there is an energy that is doing its work and it is present with us all the time.
5) Mindful showering
Generally, when we shower, different thoughts come into our minds. Thoughts about our work, thoughts of past and future, etc. Now the next time you are showering do something different. Pay attention to the temperature of the water. Is it cold or is it warm?
Observe the sensation you are getting when the water touches your skin. Listen to the sound of the water and think that all your Negativity is getting washed away with the water.