Self-Care isn’t Selfish: 5 Simple Ways to Practice Self-care
Imagine you are in your office completing pending tasks. Meanwhile, you get additional work from your boss. You also had plans to meet your best friend the same day but now you are probably going to overwork to finish all your tasks and cancel the meetup plan.
Completing work is good but taking out time for yourself is also crucial.
We live in an era where hustle culture, working for long hours, 24/7 productivity, etc. is glorified but, after a certain point of time you will get fed up and eventually, your health will be affected.
Taking breaks from work is necessary. You are not a machine that can work nonstop. When your body and mind are well rested it will help you work more effectively and efficiently.
Self-care in simple words means doing the things that you love, doing things that are good for your mental and physical health.
Making time for yourself is not selfish because remember if you don’t take time for yourself, don’t expect others to make time for you and if you don’t love yourself then don’t expect others to love you.
Have you ever been in this situation where you don’t feel like talking to people around you, be it your parents, friends, classmates or colleagues, etc.? You just want to be silent and wander in your own thoughts. Or
Your friends ask you to join them for a party but you make excuses to avoid leaving your house and be in your own little bubble.
If yes, then that’s absolutely okay.
We all have been there, you just want me-time but people around you don’t understand it. Some of your friends might feel bad by thinking that you are avoiding them but that is not true, it is just that you need some space to be in your thoughts or to do something just for your own happiness.
5 Ways to Practice Self-Care:
- Buy a gift for yourself
If you’re into reading, buy a new book you’ve wanted to read for so long or purchase a new outfit. Gift yourself a present to make you feel special.
2) Go for a solo lunch
Learn to be happy in your own company and try out going for lunch all alone and enjoy your favorite food. And don’t forget to have dessert.
3) Start Journaling
Penning down your thoughts in a diary, sharing all the things that you’ve been through, writing about your day, your work life, etc. Sometimes, it is difficult to share your private life stories with friends and journaling here helps a lot. Remember to hide your diary so that nobody reads it.
“A 2006 study by Stice, Burton, Bearman, & Rohde showed that journaling reduces the risk of depression in adults. Moreover, it shows that journaling can reduce depressive thoughts and reduce overall levels of depression in those diagnosed with a Major Depressive Disorder.”
4) Learn to say “NO”
How many times have you said yes to someone when you actually didn’t want to just because you thought the other person would feel bad?
We tend to overthink but try saying “NO” and after a while, you will realize that the other person doesn’t even care about it let alone feel bad.
In the book Essentialism, Greg McKeown rightly said “ If it isn’t a clear yes, then it’s a clear no”
5) Exercise
Taking care of your physical health is also a part of self-care. You should exercise for at least 10–15 minutes every day. If not exercise, then a simple walk would help you improve your health rather than leading a sedentary lifestyle.
Self-care practices are different for everyone. What works for you does not necessarily work for others. You know yourself better than anyone else, here I shared 5 simple ways to practice self-care. You might find pleasure in doing something else, then go for it.
Don’t forget to give yourself the me-time and the love that you deserve.
Also, take care of yourself the way you would take care of your loved one.